Our team is busy conducting research in the Cincinnati area via a series of workshops we’re calling What’s Important at the End of Life? Here’s a brief overview of the work.
Project Description
Research sessions will be 90 minutes in length and consist of three distinct features: slideshow presentation, worksheet, and focus group discussion. At the beginning of each session, members of the research team will introduce themselves and the project objectives, after which participants will be provided with an informed consent form. After granting consent, participants will view a slideshow presentation, will write and draw on a worksheet that will guide discussion, and will participate in a semi-structured focus group discussion. Each research session will be audio recorded and transcribed verbatim. Participants will be notified of the audio-recording and this notification will be included in the written consent form. Participants will be encouraged to share and discuss their responses, but no subject will be singled out for a response or “called on” to respond.
At the end of the discussion, participants will be asked provide their worksheets to the research team for photographing. A research team member will photograph each participant’s worksheet pages using a digital camera with a clean memory card. All worksheet pages will be returned to participants immediately after photographing.
At the end of the session, researchers will provide participants with with a $20.00 grocery gift card in appreciation for their time and several resources for end-of-life decision-making and planning, including:
- list of helpful books, articles, films, and online resources related to end-of-life;
- Choices: Living Well at the End of Life (Ohio Advance Directive packet)(https://www.leadingageohio.org/aws/LAO/pt/sp/advance_directives);
- Conversation Project starter kits (https://theconversationproject.org/starter-kits/);
- local counseling, grief, and legal services offered on sliding-fee scales
Findings from the research will be used to support further funding efforts and disseminated through academic and practice-focused conferences and publications. No specific publications or conferences have been identified yet, but any dissemination will be in outlets specific to gerontology, philosophy, and design. Additionally, the data may be used to inform training materials and continuing education for social service and medical professionals as well as students in design research.